EaSynth Look And Feel

What is EaSynth Look And Feel?

EaSynth look and feel is a free and open-source Synth based look and feel, the name "EaSynth" comes from "Easy Synth". This look and feel is generated by the EaSynth Look And Feel Designer, as the demo project of the tool.

Below is a screenshot that shows the SwingSet appliaction with EaSynth look and feel:

Click here to view the big figure

EaSynth look and feel and its source code (including the XML, Painter and GraphicsUtils classes java code, and the look and feel project file) are released under the Apache License 2.0.

EaSynth look and feel is integrated with the EaSynth Look And Feel Designer, and work as the default look and feel of the tool, the project file is also enclosed in the tool bundle.

To use EaSynth look and feel, your application should run under JRE/JDK 5 or above.

Want to develop your own look and feel? You may be interested on our look and feel IDE or our look and feel customize service.

Related Articles

The articles below may be helpfull if you are new to EaSynth look and feel.

Two Steps to Integrate New Java Theme into Your Applications

EaSynth Look And Feel Customization - Buttons


Here are some screenshots for EaSynth look and feel:


Web Start Demo

You can launch the demo directly via Java web start: Launch Demo


The latest version of EaSynth Look and Feel is V1.11

You can download the EaSynth Look and Feel here:

File Size
EaSynth Look And Feel JAR File V1.11

The EaSynth look and feel JAR file, you can use it in your Java applications.

88 KB
EaSynth Look And Feel V1.11 Open Source Bundle This package include the EaSynth look and feel JAR file, the look and feel project file and related source files.
371 KB

If you need helps on downloading the software, please feel free to contact our support team: support@easynth.com